Sunday, July 10, 2016


Every Friday all over the world Terrorist Sermons are preached by MAULVI'S  routinely and violence is instigated from years altogether- Why not to stop this nonsense by banning this activity and save incidents like killing of police officers by Mob in J&K.
When we all know that Terrorists,all over world operate from Mosques,Why not to Ban them altogether and stop this nonsense ,wherever it is not Banned ,CHINA HAS DONE THIS ALREADY. 
This is how active preaching of terrorism continues under the nose of our secret agencies on the name of ISLAM.
Indian government and its PM Modi is sleeping over this issue and in Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir this happens every Friday- why all others need to sleep?
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USA - Is it too difficult to Identify Hate Criminals in USA Police? What about Human Rights of Black Citizens?

Is it really too difficult to find out Racists and Hate Criminal in USA Police force?
The rising angers in citizens is justified.
Instead of giving pep talks, why not Hate Criminals in US Police are immediately identified and removed from operations and force.
In a police team ,everyone knows who is the 'Community Hater'?
Is this the same USA government ,who goes on invading nations to protect Human rights and hang Saddam Hussein for Human Rights Violation?
Where are those USA Human Rights Angels?
How you expect a common Black person to feel proud of Ambush Victims,if inside they all have bottled anger from repeated humiliation from Police and Government.
Is US Government truly serious or all are doing lip service and blaming 10000  other things for social divide.

Basic fact for hate crime is,endless injustice against a particular community and more than that protection available to Human Right Violators ,who are in Uniform.
Its sad that US Government is literally spitting on grave of Black Soldiers ,who serve country in align lands bravely.
The one single step of identifying and exposing such officials voluntarily will heal this or nothing else.
As here is the true Human Rights Violation is taking place, for which USA invades nations.
Link to all books by Author

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