Tuesday, December 27, 2016

"Secret to Keep Relationship HOT forever"-Welcome 2017 with -"Manifest Desired Life"

"Manifest Desired Life"-Book Preview
"Secret to Keep Relationship HOT forever"

85% of people in marriage and long term commitment vouch to you that there relationship 'sucks' after some time and there is no 'charm' left now, what is left is day to day tussles and rising frustration with every passing night? What happened in six or seven months of a 'relationship' that it begins to 'stale' now. Man and Woman both claim that they are same but something is 'changed'.
What is this that is 'changed'?
People don't change ever,what changes is their priorities, as soon as the first priority of having first 'date' is over-they shift to 'first kiss' -then to 'first sex' and finally to have a 'relationship'.

Modern Boy's and girls are so cool and considerate in the beginning of a relationship but they start go become their 'Mom' and 'Dads' with every passing day.
Here is a secret to keep every relationship as young as 'first date' always. Stop leading monotonous life in all 'other' aspects of life.
Especially your work.Most of the people chose to do same job throughout the life and after sometime it become predictable and monotonous.
90% of people spend 60% of day working what they no more like to do.
As they return home,they find same pattern, same sofa,same place, same bedroom and same husband or wife or lover.
As no one can panic at work place, so now they begin to panic on each other.
Change this pattern and today only make a list of exciting things that you both can do together, you need not to dine out every night-[or else it'll also become monotonous] nor you are needed to go shopping everyday-what you are needed to do is to start doing some 'good' things like 'exercise' together.
Best thing to do together is praying every night as you are about to sleep hand in hand and begin the day praying together hand in hand.
It looks so 'outdated' but this will change your life, this will give your life a new 'purpose' and bliss, by holding hands and praying by being one through your body and mind vibration even for 7 minutes morning and night will bring kind of 'bliss' in your life ,which no one before you in last 7 generations in your family had ever experienced as couple.
            Being in relationship means being "ONE"-more you evolve in spiritual 'Oneness'.
This is amazingly divine.
Try this hand in hand ,just sitting silently with your wife/girl friend/kids and together as a family.
Within 21 days of doing this practice,you will be so much ONE that you'll understand and please each other the way you both want.
This is simplest and most effective secret of 'being in love' and keeping a relationship 'forever young'. Try it and be in bliss together forever.
Link to all Self Healing Books by author

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Link to Complete Series- "Manifest Desired Life" by Anirudh M.Dhodapkar

"Manifest Desired Life"-Attracting Right People and Circumstances

Manifest Desired Life
Be The Game Designer of your Life
"Attracting Right People and Circumstances"

There is a Formula and Formula is very very simple.
This Law is known as CYR-Creating your KARMA.
Make a list of circumstances you wish to manifest and list of people you either want to 'change' according to your need or replaced by better options.
It is like a Video game now.Once this list is ready,Put it in your Cell Phone notebook ,Email to yourself or keep at a place you can see it as often as you like on click of button.
This is your 'Story Board'- Keep adding and subtracting people and circumstances in this game and whenever you 'focus' upon one point,feel it visually,More you do this practice-more characters and situations will happen as per your desire. Be grateful for incoming and outgoing people and circumstances as this Video Game is manifesting now in your real life.
This practice will engross you so much and manifestation will be so quick that you'll slowly learn the science of manifestation,known as FIFTH DIMENSION.
So go ahead and design-'Game of Your Life Now'.
Link to all Self Healing Books by author

Link to Register for "Healing Now" Courses and connect to Healers

Link to Complete Series- "Manifest Desired Life" by Anirudh M.Dhodapkar

"How to be Master and not the Slave to Circumstances"Fly into 2017 with "Manifest Desired Life"

Manifest Desired Life

"How to be Master and not the Slave to Circumstances"
Preview of  all self Healing Books by Author

Cut across Circumstances-

This practice enables you to face very challenge that appears in the path of your success and happiness
The biggest enemy-we consider in life are tough and challenging circumstances- whether it is poverty- Disease-rejection in love- break up or hindrance in studies-low grades or whatever-

Generally difficulties love the company and one after another keep coming-so how to deal with it and emerge victorious-
Most difficult to hold under tough circumstances are three factors-
1] Courage
2] Keep trying for better and better
3] Keep the spirits up
If you know how to handle these three factors-difficulties will be scared of you- as you defeat the very purpose of a difficulty- purpose is to lower down your spirit-
It seems tough to be dignified –graceful and courageous in negative situations but fact is –you can. All those who are somebody today –have some or other time faced worst of challenges and passed through baptism of fire-It is in fact very necessary requirement of being successful that how you handle tough phase on the way-It is as simple as that- people with small goals will have small problems and they’ll be overwhelmed and wallow in self pity but people with big goals will handle the situation differently-
People with ambition will love the challenge- they will face it like a seasoned sportsman with sportsman spirit- these are winners-
They will aim Big- will face bigger problems and they will win big times under any situation-

When we are young and restless- please understand a basic fact-we are not the first and last person to have challenges and tough times- there is a history of winners –who took ‘difficult circumstances’ as an opportunity and there are losers- who have given up and accepted the defeat-
We have to choose-
If we choose to be winner- we have to have only one quality-
Never Ever to give up
If we have an ‘never say die’ attitude- if we take one fall and stand back to fight- we have won 50% of the battle against odds-
Now what will happen if knocked out in second attempt- my dear now we know how to get up- the more we show the tendency to get up and strike back-

More tired our opponent become and we are injected with extra vitamin of courage and hope- this attitude to strike back will finally knock out the circumstances-
At young age –if you learn nothing else and learn just one quality to get up and –‘Strike Back’-slowly you will start getting everything you ever  want-
We need to practice this with an amazing spell- known as-
Preface- Spell- C-3- “Riding the circumstances”
Generally it is believed that a person is slave of destiny or circumstances- in this spell we decide to switch to other side- we decide to be God- we decide to be creator and master of our own destiny-
This means –we take a decision and then do everything to make it right- we think one thousand times before talking a particular decision but once decision is taken- we stop thinking about pros and cons- Like a Command from Captain in army-

Captain will ask her/his soldiers-
                          “Any Doubts”
Answer comes- “No Doubt- SIR”
And then captain shoots the order- once order is delivered- soldiers just follow the order- whether it is to jump from cliff or charge towards stronger enemy- The Army where orders are followed and not questioned- and Captains do all the thinking before giving command- are the Army’s in the history of mankind- which are always undefeatable- as there is no question and no option- other then-
Consider your Soul as Captain and your Body-Conscious and Subconscious minds as soldiers- once you give the command –let know question and no ‘other option’ but Victory be remain there-
Victory belongs to trend setters and not followers.

And now you have decide to be a Trend Setter-
Previously situation was challenging –now you are a challenge to tough situation- rules of the game changed- Now you are not a puppet in hands of so called ‘unseen circumstances’ –you have now decided a Goal and whatever challenge comes on the way-you are going to overcome it- here you get yourself converted  from observe-spectator and sufferer of destiny to the challenger-Driver and Master of your own destiny- this is known as ‘Creating your own Karma’ and mastering your destiny’-
Spell- C-3- “Riding the circumstances”
“I now unite with divine cause of creation- I am on my way to create and master my destiny- I am guided through my dreams and desires towards achieving my life goal- that is to contribute to humanity in most innovative and beneficial way.”

"Living Your Dream Life"

Book Preview-
Manifest Desire Life
Link to all Books by Author
"Attuning the Breath with Life Purpose"
Living Your Dream Life

What is known in modern parallel as "Living your Dream Life" is manifested as per practice given here.
When you constantly observe your breath as per practice 35[Practice given yesterday],you come in harmony with your 'true self'.
Surprisingly you find that all wavering thoughts are leaving you and you are now living with only one thought-that is your -Life Purpose.
When this state of being is achieved-you can take first step towards Living your dream life.As now you are left with only one 'thought' -keep observing your breath as and when instinctively you feel like that.
Now bring that 'thought' ,which is constantly haunting you and focus your breath on that 'one thought' only.
This means ,your complete focus upon breath ,which is now attuning itself with your'thought' with all its apprehensions and hopes-after sometime you'll find inner assurance and all apprehensions in thinking about manifesting this thought will evaporate.
Slowly only thought remains and that too is replaced automatically by 'feeling' of thought being manifested.Here you are in sync with your 'life purpose'.
At this time -in whatever way you want frame a 'prayer' or identify this 'feeling' with a 'color'- now you will find that many times during the day this 'color' will begin to manifest itself in unimaginable ways.
Here you are beginning to receive 'signs'that your sub conscious mind is at work- slowly you begin to take instinctive steps in direction of manifestation and 'dream life' begins to manifest itself.
Now you will ask me- what is the 'time period'?
No time period- if you are in 'sync' it may happen right now or it may take X,Y,Z months or years,as you only manifest anything ,when you are completely in SYNC with your desire.
Your job is to keep practicing -the more you practice-more steps you take in KARMA and more steps you take in KARMA ,more closer you are to your dream life.
This has worked for millions and it'll work for you also.

Link to all Self Healing Books by author

Link to Register for "Healing Now" Courses and connect to Healers

Link to Complete Series- "Manifest Desired Life" by Anirudh M.Dhodapkar
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