Wednesday, June 22, 2016

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: For the Sake of Global unification USA/UK/FRANCE ...

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: For the Sake of Global unification USA/UK/FRANCE ...: It is like A Smart Boy [USA]dating a rich spoiled girl [UAE] on one hand and cheap character girl[PAKISTAN]on  other hand and planning a s...

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: For the Sake of Global unification USA/UK/FRANCE ...

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: For the Sake of Global unification USA/UK/FRANCE ...: It is like A Smart Boy [USA]dating a rich spoiled girl [UAE] on one hand and cheap character girl[PAKISTAN]on  other hand and planning a s...

For the Sake of Global unification USA/UK/FRANCE need to break up with UAE ,PAKISTAN,CHINA?

It is like A Smart Boy [USA]dating a rich spoiled girl [UAE] on one hand and cheap character girl[PAKISTAN]on  other hand and planning a secured married life with CHINA &RUSSIA. It is funny and someone who double-triple dated
will understand what I am saying.

It is simply ,what is happening. After the cold war was over and as Russia got divided in many countries,intelligence agencies and so called defense analysts were left without work,so they began to think in direction of UAE'S enemies,UAE was never friend to any other Muslim Country as Sheikhs feels themselves superior to other Muslim Clans, So two liberal states Iran &Iraq became natural enemies.
As all this was happening, countries like Pakistan began to harbor terrorism on the name of catalyzing so called freedom fight in J&K,India and Afghanistan- This has gave ample opportunity to China to sell cheap weapons to Pakistan and Terrorist groups. 
This ended in USA Soldiers going out to Iraq,Kuwait and Pakistan to fight other peoples wars.
Then 9/11 happened and USA suddenly realized that snake that they bred now looking forward to attacking snack charmer.
Now at this moment after hate crimes in USA,UK,FRANCE &EUROPE became order of the day.
Isn't this the right time for USA to stop flirting with suspicious friends and begin to think clearly about interests of USA citizens, as Terrorists and UAE itself has promoted USA and EUROPE as number one enemy of Islam.
Wars that started by USA Politicians,Diplomats and Intelligence agencies as 'adventure' has turned ugly,as all blind dates sometime or later turns out to be.
This is the right time for USA to get rid of friends and suspicious interests of few corporate pimps in its system.
There are many better things to do than supplying F-16 Jets to countries like Pakistan. 
This is what halts all efforts towards global unification and end to arm race.
Youngsters in all over the world today are connecting and sharing thoughts ,which was previously dependent on biased TV & News Papers.
This is the time for policy makers at pantagon and white house to wake up and see ,what world already knows, US must stop flirting with friends with dangerous intentions like CHINA, UAE and PAKISTAN,before Terrorism of White and Anti white becomes order of the day in USA,UK &EUROPE.
"CRIMINAL BY CHOICE" is story of two young sisters, fighting for freedom in Global Syndiacted Human GTrafficking and Terrorist networks,as before world be united Drugs, Mafia and Weapon Trade has already been connected with Terrorism and Terrorism today is the link which makes all illicit trades in world more dangerous.
Let's look at Orlando Shoot out in USA and British MP'S murder in UK, where two Terrorist with different Ideologies gave the same massage ,and it was- Terrorism has become easy 'option' for Lunatics.
Link to all Self Healing and Global unification books by Anirudh Dhodapkar