Monday, April 25, 2016

Those who search for- "True Love" never find it- Those who "love only"-attracts eternal love-

Those who find True Love-Hardly ever find it but those who 'love' are always guided to 'true love' By The way- What is true love? Can we give someone else ,what we are asking for? 
People think Love means Loyalty are wrong, They must find a dog and not a human being, as asking and promising loyalty or commitment is first sign of betrayal, If you are loyal towards well being of your child, will you commit your loyalty to child every morning? Or You will demand the same from child?
It were Priests and Politicians ,who created words like Loyalty and commitment to create more sinners , so that business of politics and religions can run.
All the great sacrifices that have been done in Love were never committed or promised earlier,- 'giving everything' is first and foremost natural sign of Love- moment you will begin to love unconditionally to every person and every opportunity to love that comes your way, automatically you'll attract -what you call- True Love, but as and when you'll demand some kind of assurance in return of sex and date- and will call it moral commitment- you are headed for a doom ,like 999% people before you ,who are dragging unhappy relationships and marriages- so beware- always love unconditionally and you  will receive unconditional love only.
[Book Excerpts- "Soulmate Infinity"]