Saturday, April 23, 2016

Global Citizenship is end of Islamic Terrorism

There is only one thing that will end wide spread Islamic Terrorism and volcano that is building up inside Muslim Youngsters, This Volcano is result of a sudden suspicion towards anyone who is Muslim- From VISA offices to government jobs and airports, a Muslim name on passport is looked upon with utter suspicion. This is the best thing that world can do to create more Terrorists. On the other end if we begin to look at Muslim Youngsters as our own without any prejudice while killing Terrorists without any delay- we will be able to connect Muslim youth- who is hungry for food-job and dignity, Root cause to all religious wars are a 'community's' search for dignified human life- that is why Jesus Christ Mohammed  sahib appear as messengers and prophets- this is so simple a practice that if we begin to look upon every Muslim as our own family and face of our child,brother.sister in every Muslim we see, we will soon find that Muslims will connect to us and not to Terrorists, as they will chose, a much dignified existence that world citizenship offers to them, This does not mean we should not kill terrorist, it simply means that we should also eliminate possibility of more terrorists taking birth due to our attitude about Muslim youth.This attitude in itself will connect all youth in world to -'soulmate infinity' and we will be able to live like children of God and not slaves of Satan.

Connect to Soulmate Infinity
Those who feel being left out or being alone are the people who failed to understand the thread that connects us to world, We simply need to stay still for a while and keep focusing upon heart-
As we are now flooded with many thoughts, please know that you are the creator and master of these thoughts- just prove this to yourself by watching the thought right now and disconnecting yourself from emotions that this thought generates- moment you disconnect yourself- you will find this thought vaporizes and new thought enters on screen of mind- do this with every thought that appears- slowly you will be encircled by a thoughtless silence- here you will know for first time the value of being in 'divine bliss'
Try to be in this bliss and just add any one desire that you wish to manifest- keep doing this as and when you find time- soon this 'desire' will begin to manifest- here you will prove yourself and get attuned to the cycle of Thought-Karma- Manifestation- this inspired Karma is known as YOGA which unifies you with anything and everything that is good for you- this is how you begin to see your 'self' in others and people who are necessary in your life will keep getting attracted towards you- this is beginning of what is known as 'soulmate infinity'.