Thursday, April 21, 2016

Being the Master of Destiny and not the Slave....

Generally it is believed that a person is slave of destiny or circumstances- in this spell we decide to switch to other side- we decide to be God- we decide to be creator and master of our own destiny-
This means –we take a decision and then do everything to make it right- we think one thousand times before talking a particular decision but once decision is taken- we stop thinking about pros and cons- Like a Command from Captain in army-
Captain will ask her/his soldiers-
                          “Any Doubts”
Answer comes- “No Doubt- SIR”
And then captain shoots the order- once order is delivered- soldiers just follow the order- whether it is to jump from cliff or charge towards stronger enemy- The Army where orders are followed and not questioned- and Captains do all the thinking before giving command- are the Army’s in the history of mankind- which are always undefeatable- as there is no question and no option- other then-
Consider your Soul as Captain and your Body-Conscious and Subconscious minds as soldiers- once you give the command –let know question and no ‘other option’ but Victory be remain there-Victory belongs to trend setters and not followers.
And now you have decided to be a Trend Setter-
Previously situation was challenging –now you are a challenge to tough situation- rules of the game changed- Now you are not a puppet in hands of so called ‘unseen circumstances’ –you have now decided a Goal and whatever challenge comes on the way-you are going to overcome it- here you get yourself converted  from observe-spectator and sufferer of destiny to the challenger-Driver and Master of your own destiny- this is known as ‘Creating your own Karma’ and mastering your destiny’-

Spell- C-3- “Riding the circumstances”
“I now unite with divine cause of creation- I am on my way to create and master my destiny- I am guided through my dreams and desires towards
achieving my life goal- that is to contribute to humanity in most innovative and beneficial way.”
Fact is- no desire or dream that you have –belongs to you only- most of the time you even never know –why you have this particular desire and why you are driven by this strange dream to become……………or do………..
Why so?
Many of the absolute non conformists finds themselves suddenly having the opportunities and moving towards stardom-how?
While many struggle for lifetime to find a job- few immediately achieve something- which looks like a windfall of fortune.
Fact is –there is nothing like-‘windfall of fortune’- there is a track record of Karma in this life or previous- which at right time definitely fructifies whether you are making efforts that time or not.
Anytime in life if you subconsciously unite your life purpose to greater divine purpose- you have subconsciously claimed your right upon success-so at right time this ‘seed’ will ripe and fruit will be delivered to you. As time is an entity in human life and human world- in terms of universe 1 year-100 years or 1000 years are no limit- You only give up your body when it wears out but your soul is always there- you wear new body but your ‘life purpose’ from old KARMA is always with you- and you are always united to your desires-divine inspirations and divine karma-
This way –whenever you trust your divinity and claim your birth right to achieve what you desire-no efforts ever go wasted- efforts always bring manifestation closer-now you are no longer being taken for a ride by something called ‘circumstances’ but you are riding the circumstances-
A person possessed by giving meaning to her/his life is always find most wonderful support-always know that more you face adversity dignifiedly more friends and supporters out of blue appear to help you- there is no one in this world- who has not received help sometime in life-
Your horizon is unlimited-when you chose to chase your dream and be your desire-as you are now united to universal law of manifestation-that says-
“You are what you feel you are.”
“You have what you feel you have.”
So just not observe a dream-take steps everyday to live the dream-
This attitude very soon defeats whatsoever odds are on the way of manifestation-
Everyone gets scared or overwhelmed by odds sometime in life –when this happens to you- be assured that you are coming closer to your destination-as ‘fear’ is playing its last ‘option’ to derail you from path to success-
Every humiliation-every ridicule-every odd that suddenly attacks you from all corners in nothing but a tool to make your conviction stronger- and it also says- that your ‘GOAL’ is worth achieving- what you have chosen is enviable-so lesser beings will definitely ridicule-oppose and accept you finally- this is how it was –it is and it will be always-
Henceforth-after this spell practiced every morning- you will become a person-who is not afraid of odds but who scares the difficulties away- you would love to challenge the challenges- and this is going to be beginning of your winning streak in life.
So Feel this spell in your bone marrow and be the spell-

Spell- C-3- “Riding the circumstances”
“I now unite with divine cause of creation- I am on my way to create and master my destiny- I am guided through my dreams and desires towards achieving my life goal- that is to contribute to humanity in most innovative and beneficial way.”

[Book excerpts- Self Healing For Youngsters]

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