Tuesday, July 5, 2016

UAE BLASTS ON LAST DAY OF RAMZAN- Terrorism reaches its HOME in motherland of OSAMA and Terror Financing

Every country and Politician who used Terrorism as Diplomatic weapon found out sooner or later that the same weapon has boomeranged and entered in womb of vary mother who produces or surrogates it.

UAE Sheikhs were always behind financing and keeping Mafia gangsters like Dawood Ibrahim and many for years and later they produced OSAMA BIN LADEN to terrorize USA and make Pakistan a Terrorist breeding ground.
Today on last day of Ramadan ,Terrorism knocks door of mother for fist of dead bodies-In the vary core of ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION-Madina-The holy city.
Muslim financiers to Terrorism must quickly think that now their own children are infected by this disease of mass murder and before this becomes suicidal for Muslims across globe all must wake up and smell the coffee.

[CRIMINAL BY CHOICE explores the heinous world of Politically sponsored Terror Networks and its Victims who are forced to become sex slaves and Human Bombs through story of two sisters in India,Pakistan,UAE and South Asia]
Link to all Books by Author

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