Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day-31-Manifest Desired Life- "Invoke Holy Spirits and Guardian Angels to Receive Help"

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: Day-31-Manifest Desired Life- "Invoke Holy Spirits...: Day-31 Manifest Desired Life "Invoke Holy Spirits and Guardian Angels to receive Divine help" Those who think that Democrati...
Manifest Desired Life

"Invoke Holy Spirits and Guardian Angels"

Those who think that Democratic governments, Parliaments, Bureaucracy, Judiciary,Police and Cabinet Ministries are running this world and so called 'nations' are fools of first order.
This world would have gone back to 'stone age' if above departments would have governed this.
This world is being guided and helped by not one but many guardian angels and souls, not in physical bodies but ever ready to help as and when it is needed or when it is requested.
Those who do not believe in this ,can stop reading this and go to whatever heaven or hell they belong to.
This practice and chapter is for those divinely inspired to experience divine forces and help.
So if you are the one, practice this, you are sure to succeed and find solutions to most difficult,painful and scary situations in life.You can invoke help for near and dear ones also.
It is not written anywhere that Occult, Tantra and Mantra is for Experts or crooks only, no it is a natural gift  and it is available as freely as water and air.
Chose a specific time and place.
Initially see to it that no one disturbs you for minimum 45 minutes of Spell at a stretch.
Prepare a mattress or relax chair,where you can lie down comfortably.
Let their be woolen cover on mattress avoid Leather or plastic around you.
Watch your breath.
Just watch your breath.
After 10 minutes or odd , in your mother language-feel this affirmation-
"Now I invite Guardian and Holy spirits to be guided in ............matter."
Feel your breath as it goes deeper-slower and altogether still..
This is the moment you will begin to feel ,presence in any medium,may be through a thought,voice,instinct to do or write something or through a clearly present "Light" 
The moment you begin to feel light around your body relax as you are under divine presence now-
In this state ,be with your request and slowly you will learn to invoke guardian angels as and when and wherever you want-
This is far clearer ,pure and divine way to find solutions to the matters, where no one else is capable enough around you to guide.

If anytime you feel any difficulty,share here, more you will practice this,more you'll establish forgotten connections with divine spirits ,who are always there to help you, standing outside the door,awaiting for you to open the door of your heart and soul to receive guidance.

Link to all Self Healing Books by author

Link to Register for "Healing Now" Courses and connect to Healers

Link to Complete Series- "Manifest Desired Life" by Anirudh M.Dhodapkar
Link to Connect to Author on his fb page

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