Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spell- "D"- Manifesting Dreams & Desires

 spell  [4] “D”- Dreams-Desires & Discipline 
No one brings anything to this world-nor you can take anything from here- what you bring-what you manifest and what you will take away to next life with you are only two possessions-
Your Dreams
Your Desire to fulfill these dreams
This world is nothing but reflection of a endless dream- what the world is today-it was not so 100 years before and will not be the same after 100 years from now.
That is why nothing is permanent- we all are travelers and we are here to live few dreams- see some dreams and take some dreams with us to infinite journey ahead-Death of dreams and giving up desires is worst then death-

So at any cost- keep dreaming and keep having desires- what is there to loose in being positive towards life- but at the same time you will lose everything if you adopt negative attitude towards life-
Dreams are signs- Desires are inspiration to claim what is always yours- whenever you feel like having anything-just feel it and sy this is mine- I deserve you –we belong to each other-
When you walk across the road- or when you see anything- you do not want to have everything that you see-only a particular person-particular thought or particular desire attracts you and you feel like having it-
Why So?
Because that person or desire is connected to you- you both belong to each other-you do not wish to date every girl/boy that walks across the college- you just feel WOW for that particular person-

Please notice that everyone else is not that attracted to this person- this means that you are attracted to things and people who somehow touch the core of your soul-
As and when you have any desire –you always consider this as a divine sign that something is approaching you and you are now being inspired to meet this particular thing –desire or person in midway.
How to know that this is your soul desire and you got to work for this or this is just a passing thought?
Once you come across a wish-just write it down in your notepad and write under it-
“I’ll connect to you to receive signs after 21 days on…………at 8 am”
Now forget about this wish- If exactly after 21 days 8 am or any time you fix you remember gto open the diary- you know that this desire is your soul calling and now you either need to claim it or discard it-
You only remember in life the things-events and people which are worth remembering- you never remember anything if it is not worth or it is not connected to your soul.
For example –if you look back to your school teachers after 15 years –you will only remember the ones-whom you liked and you’ll forget about all those whom you passed on the way to canteen-
Human memory is kept precise and up to point only because –as per divine law- your Soul will crash like a overflowing laptop or cell phone-whenever we need to upload new software- our cell or mailbox is needed to be emptied – and we throw all unnecessary things to trash bean.

Same way-what remains with you after 21 days is something that is connected to you- and it is worth to take a decision to follow or not to follow this desire?
When you begin to observe your breath as per practice one-you will be amazed to observe how many[almost 50000] thought pass through your mind during 24 hours- your mind never stop receiving signals and processing thoughts for entire life time- it is only through observation of breath- we begin to discipline mind.
And now comes the mother and father behind and ahead of any success-any manifestation-that is-
Write this in bold letters on the wall of your heart and mind-

Without Discipline –no dream or desire can be taken to manifestation-
Bu Discipline-I do not mean that you become a robot- but fact is if you are not as precise and as meticulous as a robot to perform pre programmed desires- It’ll be hell lot of difficult and frustrating to  convert your desire into reality.
Many youngsters take discipline as obstacle in path of their youthful freedom and hindrance to their so much inclination to ‘have fun’- they wish to do everything their own way and this is absolutely fantastic till you are not distracted easily by anything and everything-
Yes you are here to have fun only on this earth and you deserve it but it is your decision that you want more fun in days to come or not?
Because young age is best time to shape your life-

This is the best time when you have time to develop your body-mind and power to manifest your desire-as you have only two things to do-
Many kids even at young age never have this liberty to have free cloths –food –TV-Internet-Home- if you have anything among these –you are a lucky person and you must be grateful to your parents- who are providing you everything you need to shape your life.
If you look at the success stories of many great people- they are forced to work in childhood and this experience shape their life- they generally convert their helplessness-compulsion and need into opportunity to shape their life-

Developing a clear pattern of thinking and trying to do every task on time is a fantastic quality- It is like BEER which no one like when tested first time in life but later on we keep enjoying it and BEER become constant companion of good times.
Some drink BEER  and kiss boys/girls first time –under youthful social pressure to have experience of adult things but soon these things become likings- why?
Because most of the good and permanent blessings –seems bitter initially but once you are addicted to something like Discipline- it will become best friend in need and it is best quality to have indeed.
It seems very unnatural to make a schedule of doing everything at particular time but fact is people who have time to have ‘fun’ anytime without any stress or pressure –and who actually enjoy the life to fullest are the people who make inner discipline a life style.

These people remain young and generally pass any test of ‘tough times’ without being worried or bitter-as they do not have time to feel stupid addictive feelings like worry or stress.
Worry and stress is first sign of lazy people.
My grandmother- use to point out bitterly-
“Those who do not have anything better to do-they have mood swings-worry and stress as their best friends.”
It is bitter but true.
Whenever you are whining in self pity or in so called deep stress-always ask yourself-
“Have I got anything better to do about this particular situation?”
And then do whatever comes to your mind- you will be amazed to know that soon you’ll lose habit of being worried and feeling the stress-

As these are two most harmful habits-worst then Drugs or Dope or anything evil you can name.
Once you decide that I’ll do something about what is worrying me rather than being worried about it- you will in a single stroke erase all life style diseases like BP-DIABETESE- CANCER from your life- you’ll never have these –even if Doctors tells you that these are genetic diseases and you carry the risk to have them-
Look around elders-who have these diseases and you will find addiction to worry or stress in their personality-when you will erase root cause of Diseases in childhood itself- you have erased genetic pattern of disease forever.
When you consciously and subconsciously begin to observe breath and adopt above attitude regarding worry or stress- you will never feel tired and you will never need weekends to relax- as your life will be a long weekend- whatever you will do-you will do perfectly-dot on the time and you will never worry

–So “Frightening Monday” Syndrome –which happens to all elders, will never happen to you-
If a person is afraid to face Monday and constantly think Friday’s is a person- who never enjoys her/his weekends-
If you wish to look and be more sexy and attractive with age-try to replace stress and worry with work.
“All the work and no fun make Jill dull girl” but
“More work and work is fun” will make you a successful and sexy Jill. If work that you are doing does not excites you enough to feel ‘fun’ you have two options-
Give up that work
Make that work fun

Sometime even president of USA gets bored by boring briefings and speeches throughout the day and Stars fad up of compulsion to be surrounded by flash lights- but do they give up their positions just for that?
Do They?
Even sons with as low IQ as George Bush follow their president fathers and wives like Hillary Clinton follow footsteps of husband Bill- [who tried to make presidency funny and Monica happened-poor Bill-]
Why- ?
Because Junior George Bush and Hilary Clinton both knows how much it is a fun to be presidents of USA.
Feel the Same,
Whatever you do not want to do and forced to do is nothing but an opportunity to learn.

You can always learn to be patient and be gracious and how to do things we do not like very nicely- these qualities will prove assets when one day for sure will be showered with opportunity to do –what you like to do and you will be hugely successful in doing whatever you always wanted to do-
Going to School and forced to learn about 10000 stupid things is one such learning opportunity-?[Ha -Ha]
Discipline is such a beauty that if you date it once-you will feel to be with discipline again- and again and again and finally you will find most enchanting companion in this life-who will lead you to superb-sexy and successful life.
I’ve learned to date discipline bit hard way-that is why –Once my  lover asked me-whom will you choose between me and Discipline?

I replied-without blink-
“Of course Discipline-as without discipline-it is anyway not possible to afford dating to you.”
We no longer date but she is a much disciplined and immensely successful person in personal and professional life. And she is now my best friend for life.
If you feel bogged down by teen age and college pressures like studies and expectation from parents and world- please know that these are early symptoms of stressful life-
Please know that you must for once and always have only one competition and that is –YOU-
You have got nothing to do with what grades or what laurels your classmates bringing or what your Mom Dad wants you to do-you need to bother about what you want to do and how efficiently you are doing it- That’s it.

Other then few outright idiots-most of the parents have only one expectation from child-and it is that child must be and do everything that makes her/his life happy and successful.
Believe me-you are very lucky if- root cause of all the lectures that parents deliver to you is above- as in modern age you are really lucky that you have parents who live or not live under a roof always wish to give you everything best that they can afford. Respect your parents for this and if you will make your life disciplined they will never bother to disturb you again with lectures- What else a parents want-other than their children eat-sleep-wake up on time and do their home works properly and secure good marks- you’ll know in life that how liberal were your parents-when you will go for work and see how much is expected from you in return of salary that is being paid to you. Do whatever you want to do in life but if you are disciplined in your day to day task- parents will slowly begin to love and respect your choices-

I tell you one thing- here is the key to super success and super happiness- if whole world is against you but your mother and father have faith in you-if you can instill faith towards you in them- you will defeat the death-that is for sure- in India we considers blessings of parents more precious than treasures of three worlds-
You can have differences of opinion with parents and you must have differences but never have disrespect for parents- as you cannot just fathom the value of love and care normal parents invest in your childhood.
Just try tucking 3 kilogram weight on your tummy and try being like that for 3 days and you’ll understand what is it to carry so much weight on your tummy for 9 months and you’ll understand what it means to be a mother. The kids who realize and respect the sacrifices parents make for children always appreciated in everything they do and generally overcome tough phases of life easily.

Always know that what is written here is not some ‘moral lesson’-it is the law- if you are not grateful to first Gods and Teachers of your life- your parents-you will always carve for appreciation from others and you will be thanklessly exploitation only.
There is no God- No Judge in Universe- universe operates on a law-that is LOK & LOG.
Law of Karma-LOK
Law of Gratitude- LOG
“As you sow so you reap.”
These are very fundamental laws of life- and if you apply these laws in day to day life since childhood and youth- you will always be in bliss and will be blessed by everyone-who appears in your life.
This is crux of any and every religion and total sum of all the teachings that any prophet ever preached-

Your study of religion and God ends here- if you apply-
RYP- Respect your parents
LOK-Law of Karma
LOG-Law of Gratitude
You need not to practice anything else- you just need to be one with your breathing and automatically you will receive right opportunities and right guidance and right results at appropriate times.
Why I am saying so?
Look into history of great achievers and their life- you will find this laws and its effects in their life always.
Spell- [4]- “D” Dreams-Desires &Discipline
“I am guided divinely to practice divine laws-I am blessed- I am grateful”

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