Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Only solution to Terrorism

Killing and Healing are two solution to Terrorism.
Lets us think every terrorist as our child, brother,sister or relative.
Then think about solution to Terrorism.

Killing and Healing are two solution to Terrorism.

There is a solution that you kill them all.

This is temporary as more you kill ,more they rise out of hate.This justifies their cause.
So Solution is only one.
Basic Healing and Basic Skill education.Most of the youth are attracted to terrorism due to Thrill,Cause[whatever it may be] and poverty.Poverty of intellect and poverty of material objects.
They see everyone happy around them as cause of their unhappiness.
This thinking needs to change. Internet has to play a big role.Social media needed to be geared up and rise to occasion.We can not identify faulty  Islamic teachings as only cause,causes are many and solution is one.Let's think a terrorist as our own brother,sister or child.What would we do if our own child is on this path.
Many will claim that they'll kill them,few may but many will not do so.So do not think the same way which produces counter terrorism to end terrorism.
These youth need more exposure to schools,colleges,modern world and skills.
Let's try too impart them,a happy person certainly won't tie a bomb and trigger him/herself.
So think about it.
Imparting Happiness and Healing are only solutions to end ideology of violence.
Let's accept that we as world citizens have taught them this ideology by occupying and exploiting nations,let's improve ourselves and world too will improve.
[From the author of "Self Healing for Youngsters"- Anirudh M.Dhodapkar]

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